Category: Counseling

Inspiring Future Educators: P-TEACH Program Shapes the Next Generation at St. Vrain Valley Schools

The St. Vrain Valley Schools’ P-TEACH (Pathways to Teaching) program is paving the way for the next generation of educators, offering high school students the unique opportunity to gain college credits and firsthand teaching experience. This innovative program, aimed at encouraging students to explore and commit to careers in education, has already made a significant […]

High School Registration 2021-22

Follow the steps outlined in the Registration Checklist linked on this site. Use the additional resources provided to support you with the registration process. Counselors will visit English classrooms to present information and to support students with the registration process. View the schedule HERE. If you have questions, please contact the Lyons School Counselors Last […]

Updated 2020-20201 Reopening Plan

Dear St. Vrain Valley Community, Thank you for your continued partnership as we navigate the increasingly complex, shifting, and challenging coronavirus pandemic. Over the past few days, we have been in communication with the leadership of Boulder County Public Health and we have received additional information that has a significant impact on our plans for […]

Lyons Middle Senior High School