Academic Counseling

Our counseling team offers academic counseling, including resources and tutoring, graduation requirements, information on Advanced Placement, Gifted and Talented and Credit Recovery options.

Tutoring by National Honor Society Students –  IN PERSON
Wednesday afternoons from 2:45 to 4:00 pm in the Library.

Khan Academy
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. is a free, peer-to-peer tutoring platform on which anyone, anywhere can receive live help, earn shareable certifications in the topics they learn about, and have the option to become a tutor in the topics they master. The current focus is on high school math and SAT prep, with plans to expand to other areas soon. All the small-group tutoring sessions happen over Zoom.

Math Resources

  • Regents Exam Prep Center – A NY High School Test Prep site for math, science & history
  • Math Bits – Live long and love math
  • WolframAlpha – A fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers
  • Education Portal – College Algebra – Very useful college level algebra video series
  • Desmos – Free online graphing calculator (iPad app available)
  • Khan Academy – 4,500 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice.
  • Algebra Review – Offers 10 comprehensive tutorials on radicals and exponents, solving equations and inequalities, functions and first degree curves, and more.
  • Cool Math – Algebra 1 students. This site has games, lessons, and resources for solving equations, graphing, etc.
  • SOS Mathematics – A free resource for math review material from Algebra to Differential Equations.
  • Ask Dr. Math – a question and answer service for math students and their teachers. A searchable archive is available by level and topic.

English Resources

  • The Online Writing Lab (OWL)– The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University is a great resource for students.
  • EasyBib – The Automatic Bibliography and Citation Generator
  • Turnitin – Turnitin improves the student writing cycle by preventing plagiarism and providing rich feedback to students.
  • AP Central – The official AP College Board website. Excellent resources for AP classes.
  • What Should I Read Next? – Enter a book you like and the site will analyze our huge database of real readers’ favorite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.

Social Studies Resources

  • CIA World Factbook – The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.
  • BBC Online – The British Broadcasting Corporation
  • New York Times
  • I Like to Learn

Spanish Resources

Science Resources

For-profit tutoring 

This page includes links to information created by other public and private organizations. Lyons Middle Senior High School does not control or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.  These links are provided for the user’s convenience, and the inclusion of these links is not intended to endorse products or services offered, or views expressed, on these websites. 

Use the Credit Check below to track progress toward graduation. Counselors provide updated credit checks to students during registration presentations.

Credit Check

College Entrance Requirements

  • Students that wish to go to a 4-year public college or university in Colorado must meet the Higher Education Admission Requirements set by The Colorado Commission on Higher Education. In addition to these requirements, students must also meet the Admission Eligibility Index.
  • Many colleges have additional or different admissions requirements. Always check the websites of the colleges you are considering for admission requirements.

Please visit our Enrollment page for general information about enrolling new students.

All of the information for HS registration can be found on our Registration Central Site.

Concurrent Enrollment is a tremendous opportunity and provides access to academic courses that may not be available at Lyons Middle Senior High. In the St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD), students who demonstrate academic preparedness are eligible for the Concurrent Enrollment Program.

SVVSD Concurrent Enrollment Site

District Application

The Gifted Education Department in SVVSD supports the identification of and programming for gifted children K-12. This department works with staff, parents, and the community in the area of gifted education. Their mission is to ensure gifted students’ learning and growth through educational provisions and advocacy.

SVVSD Gifted Education Department Website

The liaison for the Gifted & Talented Program at Lyons Middle Senior High is  Kris Coniway, [email protected]


Students that fail classes have the option to re-take those classes in credit recovery. St. Vrain Valley School District offers credit recovery during the school year and over the summer.    Students and parents should always consult with the school counselor prior to registering for any credit recovery program.

  • E-Credit Recovery: Students who have failed specific core courses have another opportunity for success through the SVVSD eCredit Recovery Program. St. Vrain offers a standards-based, hybrid credit recovery program that allows students to recover credit by retaking only the concepts in which they were previously unsuccessful. eCredit is a face to face and online program. Students meet with teachers twice a week after school for 12 weeks and work in an award winning interactive online content. Teachers intervene, reteach, goal set and progress monitor students throughout. This program helps students get back on track for graduation. 
Lyons Middle Senior High School